
面向学生的COVID-19信息 学生事务处



最后更新: 5/9/2023

Isolation and Quarantine Guidance from 加州 Department of Public 健康

If you have questions or concerns about your COVID-19 vaccination, please send an email to shcs@nbshgold.com.



CSU COVID-19疫苗接种政策 strongly recommends that all students and employees receive their booster as soon as they become eligible.

的 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has approved the Pfizer-BioN科技 booster vaccine (12 years and older) and Moderna booster vaccine (18 years and older) at least 5 months after completing the primary vaccine series. 约翰逊 & 约翰逊 booster vaccine (18 years and older) is approved after 2 months of completing the primary vaccine series. 更多关于助推器的信息,请访问 疾控中心COVID-19疫苗加强注射 页面.

请务必查看 CSU COVID-19疫苗接种政策.

Q. 我如何安排一个加强预约?

COVID-19 Vaccines and Boosters are widely available in the community. Students, 工作人员, and faculty can schedule an appointment through MyTurn.CA.政府. Please visit for appointment availability at locations near you.

如有其他问题或疑虑,请联系 shcs@nbshgold.com.


Q. 我如何预约接种疫苗?

COVID-19 Vaccines and Boosters are widely available in the community. Students, 工作人员, and faculty can schedule an appointment through MyTurn.CA.政府. Please visit for appointment availability at locations near you.

Q. 在哪里可以了解更多关于COVID-19疫苗接种的信息?

有关COVID-19疫苗的更多信息,请访问 加州 Department of Public 健康 – Get the Facts 在 COVID-19 Vaccines website.

Q. Sac州立大学需要接种COVID-19疫苗吗?

不再需要COVID-19疫苗接种. 由 CSU COVID-19疫苗接种政策, all 萨克拉门托 State students who access 校园设施 are strongly recommended to get vaccinated.

For more information, please consult the Frequently Asked Questions at the bottom of the CSU COVID-19疫苗接种政策.

Q. 参观校园的人的期望是什么?

Visitors to the campus are encouraged to wear facemasks indoors regardless of vaccination status.


Q. 学生需要参加考试吗?

囊状态 has suspended required surveillance testing beginning Fall 2022, with the exception of weekly testing for employees represented by the CFA, 谁将继续会议和协商过程. We instead are focused on testing symptomatic individuals and encouraging students and employees to report positive cases.

所有教师, 工作人员, 如果出现症状,学生必须进行检测, and all positive tests must continue to be reported to the University. We will continue to offer free testing to students who are symptomatic through 学生健康及辅导服务.

Q. 如果学生COVID-19检测呈阳性怎么办?

If a student’s test indicates a positive result for COVID-19, they should report the positive test to Student 健康 using the 学生COVID-19报告表学生资讯 网页或在 学生健康及辅导服务 网页. Instructions are provided to Students 在 report form.


  • 呆在家里. 不上课或不上班.
  • Self-isolate and wear a face covering when you are around others.
  • 5天后, 如果你感觉好, 症状有所改善, 24小时不发烧就可以结束隔离了.
  • If you are experiencing moderate symptoms such as shortness of breath or breathing difficulty, 请致电学生健康中心 & 咨询服务,电话916-278-6461.

Q. Should students report their COVID-19 positive test result to their faculty or supervisor if they have been in face-to-face classes or working in a face-to-face environment?

Students should notify their professors and/or work supervisor that they are sick and unable to attend class or work in person. It is up to each student whether or not they wish to disclose their positive COVID-19 test.

Q. What if someone tells me that they have tested positive for COVID-19?

If someone lets you know that they have tested positive for COVID-19, ensure they know they should immediately report it and self-quarantine. Students should report positive tests through Student 健康 at the following link 学生COVID-19报告表. 的 CDC recommends that you continue to wear a mask for 10-14 days after 亲密的接触. 如果你出现COVID-19症状, contact your doctor immediately to be tested and self-quarantine until you get your results. 如果检测呈阳性,请按照 isolation and quarantine guidance from the 加州 Department of Public 健康.


Q. 我的教授会知道我的疫苗接种情况吗?

No. All medical records are confidential and will not be shared with faculty. Students who have not completed their COVID-19 self-certification by the first day of classes may be denied access to campus. Instructors and supervisors for on-campus jobs will be notified if a student is not eligible to access the campus, 校园设施, 或与校园有关的活动(如.g. 实习、俱乐部体育等.).

Students who have not completed their COVID-19 self-certification by the first day of classes may be denied access to campus

Q. Once the semester starts, can my professor change the modality of my class from in-person to virtual?

一旦学期开始, your professor would not change the modality published in the class schedule unless there is a critical reason (in which case students will be notified by the academic department for that course).

A student in my in-person class tests positive for COVID-19, what to do?

如果一个学生测试呈阳性, they should report the result to 学生健康及辅导服务 by completing the 学生COVID-19报告表. 的 student will receive instructions 在 COVID report form 页面.

Isolation and Quarantine Guidance from 加州 Department of Public 健康

I’m vaccinated but I’ve been exposed to COVID-19, should I attend class?

Fully vaccinated and asymptomatic people who may have been exposed to the virus do not need to self-quarantine and can continue to go to class as normal. 然而, 如果你认为你已经接触过COVID-19, you can also check with your medical provider or our 24-hour nurse advice line for guidance and follow-up. 护士专线是(916)278-6461.

Isolation and Quarantine Guidance from 加州 Department of Public 健康

I have (or I believe) been exposed to COVID-19, should I get tested?

Fully vaccinated and asymptomatic people would generally not need to be tested. 然而, 如果你认为你已经接触过COVID-19, you can also check with your medical provider or our 24-hour nurse advice line for guidance and follow-up. 护士专线是(916)278-6461.

Isolation and Quarantine Guidance from 加州 Department of Public 健康